
My bank was sold today

Just as I've been fearing, my bank, Wachovia, was sold to Citigroup today. Now, I love Wachovia, but I had a credit card with Citi before and they gave me some trouble, so I'm a little nervous about how much things are going to change at Wachovia now.

What about you, Washington Mutual customers, or anyone whose bank has recently been sold, have you had anything weird happen to your accounts after your bank was bought?


How I'm staying orgainzed in schoool

To be honest, I'm not a very good student. There are a lot of things I would rather do than homework, I'm just not a bookworm kind of guy. I'm also not very organized. This is a double-edged sword when it comes to school. I have always had a tough time keeping track of assignments, when they're due, what they are, etc. This year I decided to stay on top of things and get organized. Here's how I'm doing it.

1. Remember The Milk
    This has been the key to me staying on top of things this semester. Remember The Milk is like an online to do list, and it's as basic or as advanced as you want it to be. It's simple to add tasks, but from there you can also add tons of information about that task, assign priorities, and have the service send reminders to you by e-mail or even sms. There's also a Firefox extension that will put your list right into Gmail, which kills two birds with one stone, and gives you a nice reminder of what you need to do every time you check your e-mail. At the beginning of the semester, I put all my assignments on Remember The Milk, and it's made life so much easier. It's almost like having a personal assistant.

2. Google Docs
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I completely ditched the Office suite for Google Docs. I still write all my papers and create all my presentations in Microsoft's trusty old horse. However, my computer is fairly slow, and having to fire up Word every time I want to double check one little thing in my paper is a hassle. So when I'm done writing a paper or creating a presentation, I just upload it to Docs, and from there I can have speedy access to my documents without having to open a bunch of programs. I also uploaded all my syllabi to Docs, so I can have quick and easy access to them.

3. Being consistent
    I've tried many different programs and methods to stay organized before, but without getting into a routine, everything else has failed. Consistently using the system I'm using now without giving up after a week has been the key to me staying organized so far this semester. And my grades have been better for it.

Anybody do anything else to stay on top of things during the school year?