
Create a custom shirt and make money

If you've never been satisfied shopping in department stores for your clothes and want something truly unique to wear, check out Cafepress. This site lets you design your own shirts, hats, and many other different things, like coffee mugs. You can pick from designs they have on the website or you can upload your own design, so you are only limited by your creativity. It also doesn't cost very much.

One of the most interesting features is the ability to set up an online store and sell your creations. Cafepress gets the money for providing the shirts of course, but you can decide how much to mark up the items and you get paid the profit. Cafepress pays for the shipping, too; all you have to do is design and then get the word out about your creations. It could be a good way to make a little money on the side, if you put enough effort into it.

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