
Getting rid of cable

This past week I did some research on the Netflix Roku player. It's a $99 box that links with your Netflix "watch now" account, allowing you to watch all that content online (The $99 is a one time charge, there's no monthly fee for the box). There is a fair amount of content right now, with some movies as well as TV shows (including The Office!). Plus, this past week Roku announced that the Roku player would be adding new content partners as well, such as Youtube and Hulu, which would be incredible.

My thinking on all this is; our cable costs around $90 a month, and we really only watch about twenty channels out of the 400 we pay for. For an unlimited Netflix "watch now" account, it's only $8.95 a month, and that includes getting actual DVDs every month. That's a savings of $80 a month! That's $960 a year! I could almost buy a macbook!

It's a tough sell to my wife right now, because the shows she watches now aren't available on Netflix or Hulu, and it could be a while before they add them, if they ever do. I am a firm believer that either cable companies will start offering channels al a carte or more and more ad supported content will be moved online. This makes for an exciting future, but I'm still paying that cable bill in the present.

Has anyone gone the cable less route? Do you love it? Hate it? Miss some of the content that you used to enjoy? Let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Justin! It's lilly.. Yay for the blog!.... So, about cable.. Josh and I have been talking about it lately. We pay about $130 for cable. It comes out to that because we have digital and HD channels which Josh loves because of our TV. However, it's $130a month, 1560/year. We're planning on cutting the service this month, prob after tomorrow's fight and seeing how it goes. The only thing I'm worried about is football season. We like our football and we have the NFL channel which we would love to have during football season so we'll see. Josh has been trying to sell the Netflix box idea to me for some time now. Hearing you explain has helped me see how it would make more sense so we'll see. Are the the shows Krista wants to watch available online? Let us know how if you go cable-less and we'll let you know how its going for us!!
