
Thoughts on IPhone

The IPhone is the new laptop. Think about it. Why is the Asus Eee PC so popular? It's because it's an easy to use, VERY tiny way to get on the internet, plus do some basic computing, such as word processingone. What is the IPhone? An easy to use, EXTREMELY tiny way to get on the internet, plus word processing (if you can get used to typing on the thing). Why do people most people lug their laptops around with them? To get on the internet, doing some word processing, and maybe watch some videos and listen to some music. Hello, the IPhone does all that!

So why isn't everyone getting rid of their laptops and getting an IPhone? Storage is a big reason. The IPhone has limited capacity, with the highest available only 16 GB currently. Many laptop owners today are used to having at least 100 GB of storage, save those Eee owners I mentioned earlier. But this is all changing. As online storage becomes more capacious and faster, we will start to see more mobile users relying on online storage rather that a local hard drive. Eventually, online storage will be just as fast as using a local hard drive, and then IPhones can really start getting tiny.

Another problem is size. While the IPhone is an ideal size for portability, it makes typing on it hard to do right now. An easy solution to this would be to create some sort of type as you speak software for the IPhone, but the technology isn't there right now, and it wouldn't always be appropriate (You wouldn't want to be speaking a paper in a public library. Librarians can be pretty tough).

So there you have it. The IPhone is the new laptop; not yet, but we're getting there.

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